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Friday, December 15, 2006

Sex computer game for women

Sex computer games are traditionally intended for a male audience with very few - to say absolute none at all - games produces for women. Earlier this year game designer Heather Kelley from Ubisoft introduced the worlds first sex game for women. In her game she presents a bunny, Lapis, as the new Leisure Sweet Larry. Players touch and stroke the animal and travels higher into the sky as they rub.

In an interview with WomenGamers.Com Heather Kelley explains about her idea:

"The idea is not to be pornographic in any sense, but to use sexual pleasure as a metaphor for magical freedom and flight, things much more about the imaginations, not looking at naked bodies or anything about that. It is about sex, but not overtly sexual.

I was looking at things that appealed to women as players and things that dealt with fantasy. Fantasy is a strong element of sexuality and I wanted to work with it, but not in a literal way. There was a certain aesthetic that I wanted, a feeling of freedom and release, so the concept, in full, would allow much further travel – the demo is sort of scratching the surface."

The game is designed for a Nintendo DS.

Try out the game here. Before playing you need to download Virtools Web Player. Game controls are explained on the Lapis web page.

Read Heather Kelley's thoughts about the game design in her concept presentation

Read what women gamers have to say about Lapis at the WomenGamers.Com discussion forum.


Anonymous said...

I hvert fald en meget en morsom debat
på WomenGamers.Com discussion forum (Lesbiske pirater !, hvorfor dog ikke lesbiske elektrikere).
Virker som en udmærket og spænende koncept. Men det afgørende er selvfølgeligt, at det er sjovt at spille.

R. said...

Yes, they have great comments. I especially enjoy this quote:

"I would play this game, though I have to say you've got think real hard to see how teapots relate to sex."

I was wondering about the teapots too :-S