What's up, Europe? Gender, media and European integration. The story of a a young Dane exploring the continent.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Here we go...

This morning something happened that most likely will change the lives of 100.000 Danish people. The Confederation of Danish Industries (DI) published a discussion paper on the Danish education system. Especially one suggestion was popular in the media: Partly converterting the study grant to a loan that can be cancelled if you do your degree in five years. This is to create an "economical motivation" for people to complete their studies faster.

This suggestion will have profound consequences for most Danish students - maybe not right now, but in the very near future. A reform of the study grant is undoubtly on the government's agenda and DI - as one of Denmark's most influential interest groups - of course will have a saying in the reform's concrete elaboration.

The proposals from DI:

DI foreslår

— At man med inspiration i det hollandske system reformerer SU-systemet, så stipendiet gøres afhængigt af studiefremdrift og alderfor studiestart.
— At man eksempelvis nedsætter SU’en i den sidste del af den normerede studietid og erstatter det med et lån, som eftergives, hvis man færdiggør sin uddannelse på normeret tid.
— At man gradvist aftrapper SU-klippene afhængigt af ventetid efter endt ungdomsuddannelse. Hvis man for eksempel starter sin uddannelse ét år efter endt ungdomsuddannelse, så har man SU-klip til den normerede uddannelsestid + 1 år, hvis man starter 2 år efter, har man SU-klip til den normerede uddannelsestid osv.
— At muligheden for at strække SU’en over syv eller otte år fjernes ved at afskaffe muligheden for at opspare frameldte SU-klip.

Read the entire paper at DI's homepage

I'm always amazed by the ways in which globalization works. A few years ago education politics never made it to the front page as today's story. But now the study grant and the motivation and working morale of students are high politics due to the "global knowledge race" where well-educated people are crucial to competitiveness. Today me and my 99.999 fellow students concern big corporations and political parties.

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