What's up, Europe? Gender, media and European integration. The story of a a young Dane exploring the continent.

Friday, April 07, 2006

A video greeting

Yes, what do you want to know, Anders Fogh?

...what I think about your welfare reform? You mean this anti-youth project where my parents' generation runs clear and leaves the bill for their children? Well, I put it in a video for you. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ja, uha så snart staten skære lidt i vores SU osv. så ender det med afbrændte dannebrog... Hvad bliver det næste? Hysteriske forkælede gymnasieelever i gaderne der brænder studievejlederens kontor ned?

Det har aldrig skadet en studerende at have et arbejde ved siden af sit studie, de kan det i stort set alle andre lande, og jeg tog personligt ikke skade af det.

R. said...

No worries, I do not plan to burn down any offices. I will find other outlets for my opinions and not go further than the small Danish birthday flag.

To comment on your thoughts. The governments argument for cutting a year of the study grant is NOT that students should work instead. On the contrary, the argument is that a shorter grant period will make students finish their studies quicker. But such a strategy will backfire - it seems that you are also aware of this. Students will still spend longer time studying and finance themselves through work (and loans) instead of study grant. For example, that is the situation in Holland where students have a grant for only 4 years (corresponding to a masters degree) but the average student still takes 5.6 years to finish. The extra 1.6 years is financed through work, loans and parents.

But of course you are still entitled to think that students should finance themselves more. It is just not in line with the arguments of the politicians behind the welfare reform... and - not surprisingly - I don't agree:



Anonymous said...

Well - mod dumhed kæmper selv guderne forgæves

... det gælder så også indskrænkethed, selvtilfredshed og bedrevidenhed

Jeg har personligt ikke noget imod at skulle yde noget for at skulle studere, men at jeg skal slås i hartkorn med selvfede gymnasieelever har jeg lidt svært ved at sluge.

Og hvis vi endelig skal ind på det - hvad så med at fjerne den efterløn? Guderne skal vide, at det nok ville være langt mere fremmende for samfundsøkonomien end at fjerne et års SU til de studerende.